Whispers In Akarra Screenshots - A1

Submit all screenshots to Talonz on IRC (server QuakeNet, #akarra) or at buzzd24@charter.net.

Normal | Caldore | Khaile | Khaile Secret

(click for enlargement) Bears in Hope Kilala and friends lure bears to Hope's arena.
(click for enlargement) Bekarton the Gatelord Bek desperately tries to return to his home while destroying somebody's campsite.
(click for enlargement) Clan Founding An organised clan founding is heald by Fudoshin and Stant - invited members were welcome to come to this private event.
(click for enlargement) Lesser Rings of Power Eckard goes bling bling to all the lower levels.
(click for enlargement) Flamebringer Strongest hit with the Greater Flame so far.
(click for enlargement) Take the Blunt Dude A laggy Render drop.
(click for enlargement) Light Show This is a good example of how lights work in Akarra.
(click for enlargement) Origon's Money He dropped a lot but I had to give it back. :(
(click for enlargement) Underground Village This village of darklings is located under the western part of Wraith Woods. Can you find out how to get to it?
(click for enlargement) A Crowded Walking Dead Spawn If you thought that the courtyard can get crowded, take a look at this screenshot!
(click for enlargement) Funny Warp

Some people found it amusing to place their quest trees on top of the obelisk... Shortly after, Trance said this in IRC without knowing what happened:

[14:14] <Akarra> well, every 6 hours Khaile secretly sneaks into the game and pushes a switch on one of the trees in Wraith Woods and the server crashes

(click for enlargement) 6 Nightmares & 1 Helath Point

This people... Is why you don't use a Champion's Berdiche.

Normal | Caldore | Khaile | Khaile Secret

(click for enlargement) Undead Attack Some undead come in as a first attack.
(click for enlargement) Bagor Trolls Bagor Trolls... nothing more.
(click for enlargement) Bagor Trolls with Walking Dead Bagor Trolls... with walking dead!
(click for enlargement) The Imps and Stronger Undead Attack They storm in, biting and swinging their staffs at hope.
(click for enlargement) Poisoncloud That's... Quite good aiming.
(click for enlargement) The Last Wave The last wave comes in, and prepares for attack.
(click for enlargement) The Last Wave Attacks! The last waves attacks! Hope is barely able to fend them off, but the monsters overpower hope and Caldore must call them off.

Normal | Caldore | Khaile | Khaile Secret

(click for enlargement) The Strongest Wave Attacks

The strongest wave of flaming monsters attacks!

This event was pre-organized by Khaile, so it has lots of good screenshots.

(click for enlargement) Hope to be on Fire Soon

The Fire Elementals, Blazes, and Firespawns get ready for attack.

(click for enlargement) Flameblast

All the fire monsters here perform a dazzling set of moves in front of the camera!
A great screenshot.

(click for enlargement) Bagor Trolls

These Bagor Trolls were a bit more funner than the ones before...
Dunno - They just were!

(click for enlargement) Entangled Bagor Trolls

Enquillion does a great job of entangling some oncoming trolls.

(click for enlargement) The Tizfolk Arrive

Behind the trolls came a second wave of tizfolk!
Very good screenshot here.

(click for enlargement) Everybody Rests

Everybody rests as Khaile figures out what to throw at them next.

(click for enlargement) The Fool's Storms

A cross between an air devil, and a level 10 apprentice, these monsters create a lot of spam when that many of them are summoned!

One poor apprentice was absorbing all the zaps...

(click for enlargement) Iwids on the Run

Iwids wreak havoc on the people of hope...

(click for enlargement) The N'Geo Taratel

...when you respawn from the Iwid attack, you're meat with an N'Geo Taratel.

(click for enlargement) The Last Wave

The last wave arrives. Hope gives up, and the admins are forced to clear the monsters and call back the violence.

(click for enlargement)


[with names]

People who participated in the event stand proud for a screenshot.

(click for enlargement) Khaile's Failed Attempt

Khaile tries something but it didn't work...

(click for enlargement) The Skeleton Archers

Archers are put above Hope and send arrows flying everywhere!

(click for enlargement)

Over 250 Bees

[2nd screenshot]
[3rd screenshot]

Khaile, testing the power of the server, summoned over 250 Annoying Bees (level 2).

Normal | Caldore | Khaile | Khaile Secret

(click for enlargement) Before the Event Khaile warns the wizards and apprentices to stay away as he'll be summoning some very high leveled monsters.
(click for enlargement) Tarian Sentinels Tarian Sentinels were summoned to test out team's power.
(click for enlargement) Master Sentinels Master Sentinels were also summoned, but we couldn't handle them at all... I got crit'd for 180.
(click for enlargement) Ranskanleipas Khaile made fun of Ransk by summoning some Ranskanleipas that looked like Oskar...